WISCONSIN -Color Key- Reliant Sales ManagersDustin ScholzDan Schultz Please click on sales representative above or match the name with the information below Jason Krueger President jasonk@reliantfire.com 262-297-5020 Brett Krueger Chief Executive Officer brettk@reliantfire.com 262-297-5020 Dustin Scholz Sales Representative dustins@reliantfire.com 515-306-4160 Dan Schultz Sales Representative d2schultz1850@gmail.com 920-470-3790 IOWA -Color Key- Dustin ScholzERIC FIBIKARBRUCE BLUM Please click on sales representative above or match the name with the information below Dustin Scholz Sales Representative dustins@reliantfire.com 515-306-4160 Eric Fibikar Sales Representative ericf@reliantfire.com 319-939-1905 Bruce Blum Sales Representative bruceb@reliantfire.com 712-579-5273